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Detatched frescoes by Carlo Carloni - Palazzo Grassi, Venice

Conservation of detatched frescoes by Carlo Innocenzo Carloni

  • PLACEVenice
  • CLIENTPalazzo Grassi
  • DATE2021-2022
  • INTERVENTIONConservation of detatched frescoes by Carlo Innocenzo Carloni

Painted between 1740 and 1745 by Carlo Carloni, to adorn the hall of the Colleoni villa in the province of Bergamo, the frescoes were bought by Palazzo Grassi in the 1950s, when they were detatched. For unknown reasons, they were later kept rolled up in an unsuitable environment for 30 years until our restoration.

The intervention began with a study and experimental phase, in order to identify the best suited procedures to remove the protective gauze from the paintings, which presented different detached areas. Nanotechnological products and innovative cleaning and consolidation methods allowed us to bring these delicate frescoes to light. Moreover, the site was subject to guided tours inside the rooms of Palazzo Grassi, home of the Pinault collection.

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