Newwave Media srl

About us

Professional restoration craftsmen

First of all, restoring a work means knowing it, both from a realisation and from an historical – artistic point of view, in order to intervene with due coherence and maximum respect. Our team is constantly update on materials and techniques. We use valuable informations obtained from scientific surveys and we avail ourself the contributions of specialists such as chemists, architects and art historians. This constant attention to quality allows us to meet the expectations of the client by identifying the best solution.


Martina Serafin

Restorer, partner and technical director of SERES Srl firm, in possession of the professional requirements established by art. 7 of the D.M. 3 August 2000, n.294, as amended and supplemented by the D.M. n. 420/2001. She works on conservative restoration of decorated surfaces and in prestigious buildings since 1983. She acquired the knowledge and basic skills in recognised training courses and then developed and consolidated her professionalism in construction sites managed by the Superintendent or Public Administrations in different regions of Italy.

In 1989 she began her activity as entrepreneur in the conservative restoration field, founding the SERES Srl company. She works individually, by collaborating in conservative restoration projects, and performs tasks as Operating Director of Decorated Surfaces. She carries out contracts with SERES Srl, both in direct contracts and through collaborations with other companies.

Over the years she has specialised in the following types of execution techniques and conservative restoration on: stone materials, both indoors and outdoors; wall paintings (tempera, frescoes, lime paintings, oil paintings); stucco; valuable plasters; marbles; chalk; wooden ceilings; ceramics and glasses; cotto materials and metals. Ultimately, in recent years she has deepened her experience and her studies in modern and contemporary art.

Download Martina Serafin's cv

The design and management team

The company consists of a team of qualified restorers and restoration technicians, working on the cultural heritage, registered in the lists of the BBC Ministry and constantly updated, and of a team dealing with the design and management of interventions, as well as with the technical and administrative assistance to customers.

The project design starts from a digital, graphic and photographic survey in order to prepare technical-scientific reports, quotations and detailed intervention plans. These documents guarantee the customer on the expected results, times and costs.

The final reports provided allow an exhaustive documentation of the intervention. This facilitates the future conservation ans maintenance operations. The projects are always multidisciplinary. It involves the contribution of Restorers, Expert Artisans, Architects, Restoration Chemists and Restoration Technicians of Cultural Heritage.

Beatrice Pitter
Marina Vece
Doctor of Architecture and Restoration Technician
Monica Lugato
Management and Administration

Our team

The core values of the firm SERES

People and Passion

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